International Scientific Journal


Flow-induced noise is closely related to the flow characteristics through an adiabatic capillary tube and a transition pipe, most existing methods for suppressing flow-induced noise are passive. An aerating technique is proposed based on the pressure feedback in the transition pipe to actively suppress flowinduced noise. The 3-D simulations of flashing are presented by performing the Schnerr-Sauer cavitation model coupling with the mixture model. For the turbulence model, the large eddy simulation approach is used. With the installation of aerating module, the pressure fluctuation in the transition pipe is weakened significantly, and the phenomenon of bubble collapse is suppressed. Numerical results illustrate that the transient pressure of the monitoring points downstream of the capillary outlet oscillates seriously due to the bubble bursting. The shedding process of the bubble group is observed according to the vaporliquid interface in the transition pipe. In addition, the oscillations of monitored transient pressure are suppressed with the application of aerating module. Then the noise source can be partially reduced actively in essence. This paper is devoted to understanding the two-phase flow characteristics of refrigerants in a transition pipe and presents a practical method to suppress noise near the capillary outlet.
PAPER REVISED: 2023-04-06
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2023-04-11
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2023, VOLUME 27, ISSUE Issue 6, PAGES [4637 - 4649]
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