International Scientific Journal


Difference of results of numerical simulation of pulverized coal fired furnace when mathematical models contain various radiation models has been described in paper. Two sets of numerical simulations of pulverized coal fired furnace of 210 MWe power boiler have been performed. One numerical simulation has contained Hottel’s zonal model, whereas the other numerical simulation has contained six-flux model. Other details of numerical simulations have been identical. The influence of radiation models has been examined through comparison of selected variables (gas-phase temperature, oxygen concentration, and absorbed radiative heat rate of surface zones of rear and right furnace walls), selected global parameters of furnace operation (total absorbed heat rate by all furnace walls and furnace exit gas-phase temperature). Computation time has been compared as well. Spatially distributed variables have been compared through maximal local differences and mean differences. Maximal local difference of gas-phase temperature has been 8.44%. Maximal local difference of absorbed radiative heat rate of the surface zones has been almost 80.0%. Difference of global parameters of furnace operation has been expressed in percents of value obtained by mathematical model containing Hottel’s zonal model and has not been bigger than 7.0%. Computation time for calculation of 1000 iterations has been approximately the same. Comparison with other radiation models is necessary for assessment of differences.
PAPER REVISED: 2011-10-03
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2011-10-08
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2012, VOLUME 16, ISSUE Issue 1, PAGES [271 - 282]
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