Simeon Oka, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the journal Thermal Science request that it is, due to error of the authors, necessary to correct family name of the 1st author of the paper EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH FOR CATALYTIC COMBUSTION OF BIOGAS Preliminary Research by Stefan IZVOREANUa, Adrian Eugen CIOABLAa, Timotei Bogdan BACOSa*, Andrei Tiberiu BORBOREANa, Srbislav B. GENIĆb, Dorin LELEAa, Francisc POPESCUa, and Maja S. TRUMIĆc a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Politehnica Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania b Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia c Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Bor, Serbia Original scientific paper https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI220716182I published in the journal Thermal Science, Year 2023, Vol. 27, No. 2B, pp. 1383-1392 since by the error of the Corresponding author, FAMILY name of the 1st author was not correctly written. Instead of: Stefan IZVOREANUa, Adrian Eugen CIOABLAa, Timotei Bogdan BACOSa*, Andrei Tiberiu BORBOREANa, Srbislav B. GENIĆb, Dorin LELEAa, Francisc POPESCUa, and Maja S. TRUMIĆc has to be written: Stefan IZVOREANa, Adrian Eugen CIOABLAa, Timotei Bogdan BACOSa*, Andrei Tiberiu BORBOREANa, Srbislav B. GENIĆb, Dorin LELEAa, Francisc POPESCUa, and Maja S. TRUMIĆc Link to the corrected article 10.2298/TSCI220716182I
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2023-10-01
2023, VOLUME
Issue 5, PAGES [3889 - 3889]