International Scientific Journal


In this framework, the effect of a Kerr-like medium and the coupling function dependent on the number of photons operator on the interaction between a two-level atom and a non-linear field is studied. A relation between the Kerr-like medium parameter and the field-atom coupling parameter is used to obtain a simplified formula for Rabi frequency. The wave function of the proposed model is obtained, followed by the derivation of the phase distribution and from which the wehrl entropy formula is calculated. The effect of the initial state and the non-linear func­tion dependent on the number of photons operator and the Kerr-like medium on entanglement is calculated through the Wehrl entropy formula, wehrl distribution and the behaviour of photons by studying the correlation function. The entangle­ment decreases when the function dependent on the number of photons operator is taken into account, while the entanglement gradually improves when the squeezed state is considered, and the entanglement decreases significantly when considering the Kerr medium. An oscillatory distribution is formed between the classical and non-classical in the coherent state. The non-classical distribution disappears when considering the squeezed state and the Kerr-like medium.
PAPER REVISED: 2022-11-12
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2022-11-18
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2022, VOLUME 26, ISSUE Special issue 1, PAGES [425 - 436]
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