International Scientific Journal


This paper investigates the analysis of natural-convection heat enhancement in an inclined square enclosure when filled with water-based nanofluids with left edge wall undergoing heating with consistent heat flux while the right edge wall being cold and other remaining walls are kept adiabatic. The parameters used in this analysis include: solid fraction volume (range from 0-20%), length of the heaters (0.25 cm, 0.50 cm, and 1.0 cm from the left edge), and Rayleigh number (range from 104 to 106 ). The nanolayer thickness ratio was kept at a constant value of 1.0 throughout the analysis. The heat source is found at the center of the left wall. Polynomial differential quadrature equations have been adopted for this analysis for various angles range from 0-90°. As the Rayleigh numbers and particle volume fraction got the much-needed raise, the average count of the heat transfer rate improved too. The length of the heat flux heater has become more prominent parameter that has been affecting the calculated temperature and the flow fields. When the heat flux heater length is pushed to an increasing limit, the heat enhancement rate essentially starts to decline. This happens at the smaller inclination angle, though.
PAPER REVISED: 2021-08-15
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2021-08-19
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2021, VOLUME 25, ISSUE Issue 6, PAGES [4383 - 4393]
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