International Scientific Journal


This paper makes an attempt to develop a Hausdorff fractal derivative model for describing the vertical distribution of suspended sediment in unsteady flow. The index of Hausdorff fractal derivative depends on the spatial location and the temporal moment in sediment transport. We also derive the approximate solution of the Hausdorff fractal derivative advection-dispersion equation model for the suspended sediment concentration distribution, to simulate the dynamics procedure of suspended concentration. Numerical simulation results verify that the Hausdorff fractal derivative model provides a good agreement with the experimental data, which implies that the Hausdorff fractal derivative model can serve as a candidate to describe the vertical distribution of suspended sediment concentration in unsteady flow.
PAPER REVISED: 2017-11-24
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2017-11-27
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2018, VOLUME 22, ISSUE Supplement 1, PAGES [S109 - S115]
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