International Scientific Journal
The paper is result of research different cross-border electricity trading mechanisms impact. Focus is on investments in generation and transmission power system facilities in regional market. Assumptions include efficient market coupling mechanism (with more bidding zones), use of additional investment indicators (like social welfare and congestion cost) and security of supply issues (capacity mechanisms). There is discussion on cost benefits analysis for particular market participants and there is possibility of risk reduction for regional power system expansion. It is shown current state-of-the-art, problems and trends in solving some aspects of market integration and investment issues. In some cases smaller and well defined bidding areas are absolutely essential in order to ensure system security and economic efficiency. There is no single criterion for power system expansion but it is possible to use combination of incentive schemes and possible through one index for cross-border trade. Risk management for cross-border electricity trading through several areas needs to be upgraded with use of financial transmission rights like weighted average area prices, respectively. Regional power system security is closely associated with timely investments in energy supply in line with economic development and environmental needs. Security of supply indicator is deriving an estimation of security of supply improvement from the market based simulation results when a generation or transmission investment project is implemented. All researched makes market integration and investments in Europe more efficient and gives more correct signals to market participants in regional market.
PAPER REVISED: 2014-02-17
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2014-04-03
2014, VOLUME
Issue 3, PAGES [755 - 770]
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