International Scientific Journal


The premixed flame speed under a small four stock homogeneous charge compression ignition engine, fueled with dimethyl ether, was investigated. The effects of intermediate species, initial temperature, initial pressure, exhaust gas recirculation, and equivalence ratio were studied and compared to the baseline condition. Results show that, under all conditions, the flame speeds calculated without intermediates are higher than those which took the intermediates in consideration. Flame speeds increase with the increase of crank angle. The increase rate is divided into three regions and the increase rate is obviously high in the event of low temperature heat release. Initial temperature and pressure only affect the crank angle of flame speed, but have little influence on its value. Equivalence ratio and exhaust gas recirculation ratio do not only distinctly decrease the flame speed, but also advance the crank angle of flame speed.
PAPER REVISED: 2013-03-26
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2013-04-24
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
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