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2011 is the international year of chemistry, and it is exactly 100 years past after the P. Langevin promotion of “twin paradox” problem. The hundred year old problem still demands its solution. Twin paradox, established by a physicist, has been representing a nightmare for philosophers, physicists, chemists, and biologists until these days. After a hundred years, it is time to try to close this page in long history of misunderstanding of the special relativity. This analysis has three main assumptions. First, biological systems are a part of physical world and therefore they behave in accordance to the physical laws according to Schrödinger. Second, according to Von Bertalanffy the biological systems are open thermodynamic systems. Because of that the approach of non-equilibrium thermodynamics was used for analyzing the twin paradox. Third, rise of entropy is according to Hyflick strongly connected with aging. Entropy can be taken as a measure of cell age or even human age according to Silva et al. and Gladyshev. So entropy invariance strongly suggests that both twins should be the same age, so there is a potential problem for twin paradox with the second law. The only possible influence of relativity on the chemical reaction rate is time dilatation. However time flow does not cause the aging process, so time dilatation cannot have any influence on it. So, after detailed analysis, it is concluded that there is no twin paradox in reality. Both twins will be exactly in same thermodynamic state and bio-logical age. The traveler twin will notice time dilatation, but this relativistic effect has no influence on the aging process.
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2011-09-19
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