International Scientific Journal
This study investigates the quantum features of entanglement in N-level atomic systems subjected to varying Stark effect (SE) and intrinsic decoherence (ID) parameters. The quantum entanglement (QE) diminishes with increasing SE parameter, while the Quantum Fisher information (QFI) exhibits complex dynamics with no consistent trend across N-levels. Notably, distinct phase factor values influence the QFI differently, with certain phase factors yielding higher QFI values. The ID proves influential, causing a decline in both QFI and von Neumann entropy (VNE) magnitudes. The QFI experiences oscillations, dampening with heightened decoherence, and decays more rapidly than VNE. Additionally, the VNE displays differential behaviors among N-level systems, with the 3-level system maintaining a sustained steady-state compared to the 4- and 5-level systems. The QFI and VNE exhibit periodic behavior across a range of Stark parameter values and phase factors. These findings contribute to a nuanced understanding of entanglement dynamics in multi-level atomic systems under various influencing factors.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-10-03
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-10-29
2024, VOLUME
Issue 6, PAGES [4955 - 4967]
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