International Scientific Journal
This paper delves into the influence of an external classical field on the statistical and dynamical properties of a four-level atom interacting with a cavity field. Leveraging mathematical transformations applied to the external classical field, the system's wave function was derived. Subsequently, the impact of this external field and a detuning parameter on atomic inversion, Shannon-entropy, the Q-function, and relative coherence is explored. The analysis encompassed three distinct initial states for the atomic system. The results unveiled that the specific type of classical field employed acts as a control parameter, inducing squeezing within the system, as demonstrably evidenced by the Q-function analysis. Conversely, the influence of the detuning parameter exhibited dependence on the initial state of the atomic system. However, in broader terms, it appears to be responsible for driving the system towards chaotic behavior.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-09-02
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-10-21
2024, VOLUME
Issue 6, PAGES [4855 - 4865]
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