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A stainless steel corrugated fins and flat-tube heat exchanger is designed, which has a plate-fin structure. To optimize the structural parameters of this exchanger, including corrugation angle, corrugation pitch and fin length, 3-D simulation model and test were proposed. The numerical results indicated that the corrugation angle significantly affects both on heat transfer performance and pressure drop. The fin with angle, A = 0~20°, have demonstrated the higher heat transfer efficiency, lesser gas condensation, lower pressure drop, higher outlet flue gas temperature in low T region, and no exceeding the distortion temperature in high T region. Corrugation pitch and fin length influence thermal and hydraulic characteristics, outlet flue gas temperature, and fin temperature. To improve heat transfer performance, and reduce the fin temperature in high T region and ease gas condensation in low T region, smaller corrugation pitch and shorter fin length were recommended in the low T region, whereas higher values were more reasonable in high T region. Noticeably, the heat transfer and flow characteristics were better in the high T region than the low T region. Therefore, higher priority should be given to the structural optimization in the high T region in order to in-crease the heat transfer enhancement
PAPER REVISED: 2019-12-03
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2019-12-11
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2020, VOLUME 24, ISSUE Issue 5, PAGES [2743 - 2756]
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