International Scientific Journal
Thermal performance of micro-hole cellular structure using water as a cooling fluid was investigated through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and then numerical results were validated with the experimental results. The minimum base temperature for the micro-hole cellular structure was found to be 29.70C and 32.30C numerically and experimentally respectively with volumetric flow rate of 0.000034m3/s (2LPM) at a heating power of 345W. Numerical values of the base temperature are in close agreement with experimental results with an error of 8.75%. Previously, the base temperatures of heat sinks using alumina nano-fluid with 1% of volumetric concentration and water with volumetric flow rate of 0.000017m3/s (1LPM) have been reported to be 43.90C and 40.50C respectively [1] [2].
PAPER REVISED: 2018-06-06
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2018-06-11
2020, VOLUME
Issue 2, PAGES [683 - 692]
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