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This paper discusses the maturity of source rocks of the Senegal basin through basin simulation, so as to get a better understanding of oil-source correlation. Based on the analysis of pyrolysis chromatography and total organic carbon (TOC) data of core samples taken from 11 wells, the model of Cenomanian-Turonian marine sediment-organic facies was established, and the genetic mechanism of high-quality source rocks was clarified. The results show that source rocks in the Senegal Basin may occur in the Aptian-Albian of Lower Cretaceous and Cenomanian-Turonian of Upper Cretaceous. One is hybrid organic facies in the shallow carbonate platforms in the shelf area and is characterized by moderate to high TOC (<3%) and hidrogen index – HI, (100-400 mg HC/g). The other is well-preserved marine facies in continental slope to abyssal sea, with high TOC (>3%) and high HI (max 900 mg HC/g TOC). Molecular fossils originating from aryl carotene are the indicator of the existence of euphotic zone in the ancient ocean. The compounds of aryl isoprenes and sulfurous aryl isoprenes are detected in the black shale samples of well DSDP 367. They rooted in photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria and the carbon isotope value of these compounds is higher 10‰~15‰ than those of fossil molecules of algae and cyanobacteria. Two packages of oil-prone source rocks separately occurr in the Aptian-Albian of Lower Cretaceous and Cenomanian-Turonian of Upper Cretaceous. High-graded marine source rocks of the Senegal Basin may occur in a sulfurous, anoxic deep-water environment with sufficient carbon sequestration.
PAPER REVISED: 2019-01-25
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2019-01-05
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2019, VOLUME 23, ISSUE Issue 5, PAGES [2641 - 2649]
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