Unexpectedly, after a surgical intervention, in February 2019, passed away Vladimir N. Živković, our friend and Technical Editor.
Vladimir N. Živković was the Technical Editor of the journal Thermal Science from the very beginning - from the date of foundation and its 1st issue published in 1994. Having a long experience in publishing business, he formulated the style, and appearance of the Journal, wrote first documents and rules for authors and educated us, scientific editors, about secrets of publishing, possible difficulties, and most often errors.
During his long professional engagement in publishing business, Vladimir N. Živković was from 1964 up to 1974 Technical Editor of the journal Nuclear Energy, which was founded and published by Yugoslav Federal Nuclear Energy Commission, and from 1976 up to 1978 Technical Editor of the journal Science and Society, published by Yugoslav Society for Science and Society.
Vladimir N. Živković affiliated himself with the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science in 1978 in Publishing Department and in 1983 was appointed the director of Publishing Department.
Vladimir N. Živković liked his profession. For journal Thermal Science he organized a chain of technical processes from original manuscripts of the revised papers, up to printing the journal in necessary number of copies. His final control of the computer layouts of papers published in journal Thermal Science was detailed and strict, by reading manuscripts line by line. Not a single error made by an author or computer operator could ever pass undetected by his attentive gaze.
Due to unprecedented attention and efforts of Vladimir N. Živković during a period of nearly 25 years to improve technical and esthetical quality of the journal Thermal Science, our journal achieved technical level of the world's most reputed international scientific journals.
2019, VOLUME
Issue 3, PAGES [0 - 0]