International Scientific Journal
In this study, we have calculated the electric field strength, Ey, of a plane electromagnetic wave with frequency, ω, propagation along z-axes and the polarized y-axes in 1-D by using Wentzel, Kramers, and Brillouin method for both with and without collision conditions in ionospheric F-region with regard to seasonal and local time. Also, the refractive index of ordinary wave and attenuation factor was computed for collision and collision-free conditions. When the collisions were calculated in the F-region of the ionosphere, it was observed that the electric field strength decreased for all seasons and Ey increased between 275-400 km altitudes encountering approximately hmF2 “the peak of F2” for the accepted conditions.
PAPER REVISED: 2017-11-10
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2017-11-17
2018, VOLUME
Supplement 1, PAGES [S159 - S164]
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