International Scientific Journal


The primary aim of this study was to consider novel configurations of water-cooled micro-channel layout and compare them with existing configurations. The authors emphasize on establishing a benchmark based on investigations by earlier researchers and numerically analysing them. As a first attempt, offset strip fins are compared with existing parallel fins in terms of subsequent flow fields and temperature profiles. In offset types designated as A and B, the highest velocities occur at the side channels because of the straight wall allowing smooth flow through the channel. Generally, for offset type, the velocity increases after the sidewalls towards the centre. Type A configuration had an uneven velocity profile because of its staggered channel entrance. The lowest average temperature was observed in parallel heat sinks, followed by type A and type B. Causes are discussed for the observed differences and criteria are suggested for the selection of an appropriate geometry of offset fins. An efficient cooling system will ensure effective working of equipment resulting in low energy consumption and better sustainability. This work opens a platform for research on various other configurations and their use in micro-channel cooling.
PAPER REVISED: 2018-04-03
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2018-04-04
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
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