International Scientific Journal


This Special issue of Thermal Science journal contains scientific articles presented at the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2017) held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in the period from October 4th to October 8th, 2017. The SDEWES conference is an international scientific conference that gathers scientists and professionals from the field of sustainable development. The conference has brought together 530 scientists, researchers, and experts from 60 countries in the field of sustainable development of energy and environment. This editorial is based upon 30 papers selected from among 550 contributions presented at the 12th SDEWES Conference. The topics covered in this Special Issue include experimental and numerical research in the field of heat and mass transfer, multiphase flows, sustainable combustion and pollutant emission, and advances in the energy systems and technologies within the framework of sustainable development.
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
  1. Schneider, D. R., et al., Energy Transition In South East and Central Europe, Thermal Science, 20 (2016), 4, pp. 6-20
  2. Wang, C., et al., Application of a Low Pressure Economizer for Waste Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Flue Gas in a 600 MW Power Plant, Energy, 48 (2012), 1, pp. 196-202
  3. Ohman, H., Implementation and Evaluation of a Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery Power Cycle Using NH3 in an Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy, 48 (2012), 1, pp. 227-232
  4. Smolen, S., Budnik-Rodz, M., Technical and Economic Aspects of Waste Heat Utilisation, Thermal Science, 11 (2007), 3, pp. 165-172
  5. Bišćan, D., Filipan, V., Potential of Waste Heat in Croatian Industrial Sector, Thermal Science, 16 (2012), 3, pp. 747-758
  6. Dolianitis, I., et al., Waste Heat Recovery at the Glass Industry with the Intervention of Batch and Cul-let Preheating, Thermal Science, 20 (2016), 4, pp. 1245-1258
  7. Tanczuk, M., et al., Applying Waste Heat Recovery System in a Sewage Sludge Dryer - A Technical and Economic Optimization, Energy Convers. Manag., 125 (2016), Oct., pp. 121-132
  8. Rensonnet, T., et al., Simulation and Thermoeconomic Analysis of Different Configurations of Gas Turbine (GT)-Based Dual-Purpose Power and Desalination Plants (DPPDP) and Hybrid Plants (HP), Energy, 32 (2007), 6, pp. 1012-1023
  9. Bass, R. J., et al., The Impact of Variable Demand Upon the Performance of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant, Energy, 36 (2011), 4, pp. 1956-1965
  10. Seljak, T., et al., Advanced Fuels for Gas Turbines: Fuel System Corrosion, Hot Path Deposit For-mation and Emissions, Energy Convers. Manag., 125 (2016), Oct., pp. 40-50
  11. Wang, J., et al., Effect of an Upstream Bulge Configuration on Film Cooling with and without Mist Injection, J. Environ. Manage., 203 (2017), Part 3, pp. 1072-1079
  12. Wang, J., et al., Effects of Surface Deposition and Droplet Injection on Film Cooling, Energy Convers. Manag., 125 (2016), Oct., pp. 51-58
  13. Špiljar, Ž., et al., Analysis of Jet Fan Ventilation System Installed in an Underground Car Park with Partition Walls, J. Sustain. Dev. Energy, Water Environ. Syst., 6 (2018), 2, pp. 228-239
  14. Wang, Q., et al., Recent Development and Application of Several High-Efficiency Surface Heat Ex-changers for Energy Conversion and Utilization, Appl. Energy, 135 (2014), Dec., pp. 748-777
  15. Masiukiewicz, M., Anweiler, S., Two-Phase Flow Phenomena Assessment in Minichannels for Com-pact Heat Exchangers Using Image Analysis Methods, Energy Convers. Manag., 104 (2015), Nov., pp. 44-54
  16. Ma, T., et al., Study on Local Thermal-hydraulic Performance and Optimization of Zigzag-Type Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger at High Temperature, Energy Convers. Manag., 104 (2015), Nov., pp. 55-66
  17. Pan, M., et al., A Novel Optimization Approach of Improving Energy Recovery in Retrofitting Heat Exchanger Network with Exchanger Details, Energy, 57 (2013), Aug., pp. 188-200
  18. Arsenyeva, O., et al., The Influence of Plate Corrugations Geometry on Plate Heat Exchanger Perfor-mance in Specified Process Conditions, Energy, 57 (2013), Aug., pp. 201-207
  19. Petranović, Z., et al., Modelling Pollutant Emissions in Diesel Engines, Influence of Biofuel on Pollu-tant Formation, J. Environ. Manage., 203 (2017), Part 3, pp. 1038-1046
  20. Odziemkowska, M., et al., Diesel Oil with Bioethanol as a Fuel for Compression-Ignition Engines, Appl. Energy, 184 (2016), Dec., pp. 1264-1272
  21. Habibullah, M., et al., Biodiesel Production and Performance Evaluation of Coconut, Palm and Their Combined Blend with Diesel in a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine, Energy Convers. Manag., 87 (2014), Nov., pp. 250-257
  22. Park, S. H., et al., Bioethanol and Gasoline Premixing Effect on Combustion and Emission Characteris-tics in Biodiesel Dual-Fuel Combustion Engine, Appl. Energy, 135 (2014), Dec., pp. 286-298
  23. Behera, P., et al., Dual Fuel Operation of Used Transformer Oil with Acetylene in a DI Diesel Engine, Energy Convers. Manag., 87 (2014), Nov., pp. 840-847
  24. Vihar, R., et al., Combustion and Emission Formation Phenomena of Tire Pyrolysis Oil in a Common Rail Diesel Engine, Energy Convers. Manag., 149 (2017), Oct., pp. 706-721
  25. Wang, S., et al., Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation at Various Loads on Diesel Engine Performance and Exhaust Particle Size Distribution Using Four Blends with a Research Octane Number of 70 and Diesel, Energy Convers. Manag., 149 (2017), Oct., pp. 918-927
  26. Kozarac, D., et al., Analysis of Benefits of Using Internal Exhaust Gas Recirculation in Biogas-Fueled HCCI Engines, Energy Convers. Manag., 87 (2014), Nov., pp. 1186-1194
  27. Bora, B. J., et al., Effect of Compression Ratio on Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteris-tics of a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Run on Raw Biogas, Energy Convers. Manag., 87 (2014), Nov., pp. 1000-1009
  28. de Faria, M. M. N., et al., Thermodynamic Simulation Model for Predicting the Performance of Spark Ignition Engines Using Biogas as Fuel, Energy Convers. Manag., 149 (2017), Oct., pp. 1096-1108
  29. Pirker, G., Wimmer, A., Sustainable Power Generation with Large Gas Engines, Energy Convers. Manag., 149 (2017), Oct., pp. 1048-1065
  30. Vujanović, M., et al., Numerical Modelling of Diesel Spray Using the Eulerian Multiphase Approach, Energy Convers. Manag., 104 (2015), Nov., pp. 160-169
  31. Petranović, Z., et al., Towards a More Sustainable Transport Sector by Numerically Simulating Fuel Spray and Pollutant Formation in Diesel Engines, J. Clean. Prod., 88 (2015), Feb., pp. 272-279
  32. Vujanović, M., et al., Modelling Spray and Combustion Processes in Diesel Engine by Using the Cou-pled Eulerian-Eulerian and Eulerian-Lagrangian Method, Energy Convers. Manag., 125 (2016), Oct., pp. 15-25
  33. Vuilleumier, D., et al., Multi-Level Computational Exploration of Advanced Combustion Engine Oper-ating Strategies, Appl. Energy, 184 (2016), Dec., pp. 1273-1283
  34. Petranović, Z., et al., Study of Advanced Engine Operating Strategies on a Turbocharged Diesel Engine by Using Coupled Numerical Approaches, Energy Convers. Manag., 171 (2018), Sept., pp. 1-11
  35. Wang, T., et al., Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame-Turbulence Interaction in a Spark Ignition Engine Fueled with Methane/Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide, Energy Convers. Manag., 104 (2015), Nov., pp. 147-159
  36. Wang, T., et al., Numerical Analysis of the Influence of the Fuel Injection Timing and Ignition Position in a Direct-Injection Natural Gas Engine, Energy Convers. Manag., 149 (2017), Oct., pp. 748-759
  37. Marušić, A., et al., Increasing Flexibility of Coal Power Plant by Control System Modifications, Ther-mal Science, 20 (2016), 4, pp. 1161-1169
  38. Mikulandrić, R., et al., Improvement of Existing Coal Fired Thermal Power Plants Performance by Control Systems Modifications, Energy, 57 (2013), Mar., pp. 55-65
  39. Honus, S., et al., Replacing Conventional Fuels in USA, Europe, and UK with Plastic Pyrolysis Gases - Part II: Multi-Index Interchangeability Methods, Energy Convers. Manag., 126 (2016), Oct., pp. 1128-1145
  40. Honus, S., et al., Replacing Conventional Fuels in USA, Europe, and UK with Plastic Pyrolysis Gases - Part I: Experiments and Graphical Interchangeability Methods, Energy Convers. Manag., 126 (2016), Oct., pp. 1118-1127
  41. Stanek, W., Budnik, M., Exergy Diagnosis of Coal Fired Combined Heat and Power Plant with Applica-tion of Neural and Regression Modelling, Thermal Science, 16 (2012), 3, pp. 773-787
  42. Mikulčić, H., et al., Numerical Evaluation of Different Pulverized Coal and Solid Recovered Fuel Co- -Firing Modes Inside a Large-Scale Cement Calciner, Appl. Energy, 184 (2016), Dec., pp. 1292-1305
  43. Kuznetsov, N. V., et al., Thermal Calculation of Boiler Units (The Normative Method), Energiya, Mos-cow, 1973
  44. Krasniqi Alidema, D., et al., Performance Analysis of Coal-fired Power Plant Based on the Exergy Method, Proceedings, 12th SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017
  45. Baleta, J., et al., Numerical Modeling of Urea Water Based Selective Catalytic Reduction for Mitigation of NOx from Transport Sector, J. Clean. Prod., 88 (2015), Feb., pp. 280-288
  46. Baleta, J., et al., Numerical Simulation of Urea Based Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction DeNOx Pro-cess for Industrial Applications, Energy Convers. Manag., 125 (2016), Oct., pp. 56-59
  47. Tamburini, A., et al., CHP (Combined Heat and Power) Retrofit for a Large MED-TVC (Multiple Ef-fect Distillation along with Thermal Vapour Compression) Desalination Plant: High Efficiency Assess-ment for Different Design Options under the Current Legislative EU Framework, Energy, 115 (2016), Part 3, pp. 1548-1559
  48. Calise, F., et al., A Novel Solar-Geothermal Trigeneration System Integrating Water Desalination: Design, Dynamic Simulation and Economic Assessment, Energy, 115 (2016), Part 3, pp. 1533-1547
  49. Žandeckis, A., et al., Solar and Pellet Combisystem for Apartment Buildings: Heat Losses and Efficien-cy Improvements of the Pellet Boiler, Appl. Energy, 101 (2013), Jan., pp. 244-252
  50. Di Fraia, S., et al., Thermo-Economic Analysis of a Novel Cogeneration System for Sewage Sludge Treatment, Energy, 115 (2016), Part 3, pp. 1560-1571
  51. Calabriso, A., et al., Performance Investigation of Passive Direct Methanol Fuel Cell in Different Struc-tural Configurations, J. Clean. Prod., 88 (2015), Feb., pp. 23-28
  52. Borsukiewicz-Gozdur, A., et al., ORC Power Plant for Electricity Production from Forest and Agricul-ture Biomass, Energy Convers. Manag., 87 (2014), Nov., pp. 1180-1185
  53. Orecchini, F., Bocci, E., Biomass to Hydrogen for the Realization of Closed Cycles of Energy Re-sources, Energy, 32 (2007), 6, pp. 1006-1011
  54. Tsoutsos, T., et al., Design of a Solar Absorption Cooling System in a Greek Hospital, Energy Build., 42 (2010), 2, pp. 265-272
  55. Perković, L., et al., Harvesting High Altitude Wind Energy for Power Production: The Concept Based on Magnus' Effect, Appl. Energy, 101 (2013), Jan., pp. 151-160
  56. Cerovac, T., et al., Wind Energy Integration into Future Energy Systems Based on Conventional Plants ‒ The Case Study of Croatia, Appl. Energy, 135 (2014), Dec., pp. 643-655
  57. Felipe Andreu, J., et al., Evaluation of Integration of Solar Energy into the District Heating System of the City of Velika Gorica, Thermal Science, 20 (2016), 4, pp. 1049-1060

2025 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licence