International Scientific Journal


Energy consumption of fuel-fired industrial furnace accounts for about 23% of the national total energy consumption every year in China. Meanwhile, the reduction of combustion-generated pollutants in furnace has become very important due to the stringent environment laws and policy introduced in the recent years. It is therefore a great challenge for the researchers to simultaneously enhance the fuel efficiency of the furnace while controlling the pollution emission. In this study, a transient 3-D mathematical combustion model coupled with heat transfer and pollution formation model of a walking-beam-type reheating furnace has been developed to simulate the essential combustion, and pollution distribution in the furnace. Based on this model, considering nitrogen oxides formation mechanism, sensitivity study has been carried out to investigate the influence of fuel flow rate, air-fuel ratio on the resultant concentration of nitrogen oxides in the flue gas. The results of present study provide valuable information for improving the thermal efficiency and pollutant control of reheating furnace.
PAPER REVISED: 2018-05-15
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2018-05-25
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2018, VOLUME 22, ISSUE Issue 5, PAGES [2103 - 2112]
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2025 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licence