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Experimental data on desorption and nucleate boiling in a droplet of LiBr water solution were obtained. An increase in salt concentration in a liquid layer leads to a considerable decrease in the rate of desorption. The significant decrease in desorption intensity with a rise of initial mass concentration of salt has been observed. Evaporation rate of distillate droplet is constant for a long time period. At nucleate boiling of a water-salt solution of droplet several characteristic regimes occur: heating; nucleate boiling; desorption without bubble formation; formation of the solid, thin crystalline-hydrate film on the upper droplet surface, and formation of the ordered crystalline-hydrate structures during the longer time periods. For the final stage of desorption there is a big difference in desorption rate for initial salt concentration (C0) 11 % and 51 %. This great difference in the rate of desorption is associated with significantly more thin solution film for C0 = 11 % and higher heat flux.
PAPER REVISED: 2017-02-09
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2017-02-10
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2018, VOLUME 22, ISSUE Issue 1, PAGES [295 - 300]
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