International Scientific Journal


Paper gives a review of the most important results of turbulence research achieved by the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy. Paper presents detailed overview of the history of the scientific research provided in the laboratory, from the beginning in the mid-60s to today, pointing out the main reasons initiating the investigations in this field. After the first period, which was mainly devoted to the research of the structure of the turbulence, since the beginning of the 80s, research is mainly oriented to the flows at high temperatures including chemical reactions and to the development and improvement of differential mathematical models as a modern and very efficient tool in the technological development. This research significantly contributed to the development of pulverized coal burners, plasma-chemical reactors, and optimization of pulverized coal fired boilers operating parameters and prediction of the greenhouse gases emissions. Most recent period includes experimental and numerical studies of the coherent structures in turbulent fluid jets, mathematical modeling of various turbulent thermal flow processes including two-phase turbulent flow in the multiphase heat exchangers and mathematical modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer.
PAPER REVISED: 2016-07-28
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2016-08-01
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2017, VOLUME 21, ISSUE Supplement 3, PAGES [S875 - S898]
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