International Scientific Journal


Previous studies have shown that poorly ventilated classrooms can have negative impact on the health of children and school staff. In most cases, schools in Serbia are ventilated naturally. Considering their high occupancy, classroom air quality test determines the level of air pollution, after which it is possible to implement corrective measures. The research presented in this study was conducted in four schools which are located in different areas and have different architecture designs. Measurements in these schools have been performed during the winter (heating season) and spring (non-heating season) and the following results were presented: indoor air temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration. These results show that the classroom average concentration of carbon dioxide often exceeds the value of 1500 ppm, during its full occupancy, which indicates inadequate ventilation. Measurement campaigns show that carbon dioxide concentration increased significantly from non-heating to heating season in three of the four schools. Analysis of measurements also determined high correlation between relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration in all schools in winter season. This fact may constitute a solid basis for the fresh air supply strategy. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III42008: SINPHONIE - Schools Indoor Pollution and Health: Observatory Network in Europe]
PAPER REVISED: 2015-10-08
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2015-10-15
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2016, VOLUME 20, ISSUE Supplement 1, PAGES [S297 - S307]
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2025 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licence