International Scientific Journal


Turbulent heat transfer between a confined jet flowing in a hot rectangular cavity is studied numerically by finite volume method using the k-w SST one point closure turbulence model. The location of the jet inside the cavity is chosen so that the flow is in the non-oscillation regime. The flow structure is described for different jet-to-bottom-wall distances. A parametrical study was conducted to identify the influence of the jet exit location and the Reynolds number on the heat transfer coefficient. The parameters of this study are: the jet exit Reynolds number (Re, 1560< Re <33333), the temperature difference between the cavity heated wall and the jet exit (DT=60°C) and the jet location inside the cavity (Lf, 2≤ Lf≤ 10 and Lh 2.5 Keywords: jet-cavity interaction, heat transfer, plane jet, turbulence modeling
PAPER REVISED: 2014-04-29
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2014-05-03
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2016, VOLUME 20, ISSUE Issue 5, PAGES [1485 - 1498]
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