International Scientific Journal


In desert regions, the orientation of buildings has an important influence in the inside air temperature. In the present work, we carry out a study on the influence of the buildings orientation as well as the thermal insulation on the internal temperature. To do so, we have considered the case where only the exposed walls are isolated. The main objective of the current work is to determine the temperatures of the building in question with and without thermal insulation. This study aims at assessing also the geographic parameter enhancing or damping the role of thermal inertia, providing a variety of results. As result, this work proves that stones play a contradictory role on thermal comfort. We have verified that thermal insulation is specified to reduce heat transfer through the building. Concerning the orientation, results indicates that the variation in orientation does not influence significantly the internal air temperature of a well thermally insulated building. Moreover, in hot period, whatever orientation considered, the phenomenon of overheating presents a serious problem to minimize consumption of energy and control of indoor temperature in case of building without insulation. The numerical data was compared to the experimental measurements in order to validate the mathematical model. In conclusion, to achieve a better thermal comfort arid and semi arid regions, the habitation will have to be situated in south flan of a hill to satisfy the two strategies (hot and cold).
PAPER REVISED: 2011-08-05
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2011-09-02
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2013, VOLUME 17, ISSUE Issue 2, PAGES [349 - 364]
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