International Scientific Journal


This paper presents preliminary studies on the global solar radiation in a horizontal surface along with the prevailing meteorological conditions measured during the period 1999-2001 in Mbalmayo, Cameroon. Hourly, daily, and mean monthly values of global solar radiation and meteorological data were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture automatic weather station of Mbalmayo. The data were processed as daily, hourly, sum of 10-day data for 8.00/12.00/16.00/20.00 hours, decadal hourly, decadal daily, and mean monthly data. The highest measured daily, decadal hourly, decadal daily, and mean monthly data for global solar radiation in Mbalmayo was found to be 29.7, 2.76, 21.8, and 20.1 MJm2, respectively. The highest hourly global solar radiation value up to 182.44 MJm2 was observed between March 21-31, 1999. Apart from the global solar radiation measurements, the main observed meteorological parameters were, soil temperature, temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and relative humidity. The results show that there exist seasonal tendencies in the variation of global solar radiation. The range of variation of these radiations and the distribution puts Mbalmayo has a high potential for solar energy utilization.
PAPER REVISED: 2008-08-28
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2008-09-12
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2009, VOLUME 13, ISSUE Issue 4, PAGES [207 - 211]
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