International Scientific Journal

Thermal Science - Online First

online first only

Comparison of combustion emission of tobacco stalks bio-briquettes and beech wood

Due to instability in the global market, especially in crude oil and natural gas, alternative energy sources are needed more than ever. Also, climate change is on a critical level because of greenhouse gasses emitted from fossil fuel combustion. The Republic of Serbia seriously depends on imported energy sources, which makes the country vulnerable to these negative global trends. One of the possible solutions is the recognition and use of green energy sources, such as agricultural waste. The present research used experimental methods to investigate the emission of combustion gasses of tobacco stalk briquettes. Results were compared to the emission recorded after the combustion of beech wood. Additional investigations of the usability of tobacco stalks were performed, especially considering the emission of flue gasses (CO, NO, O2, and CO2) and volatile organic compounds (total hydrocarbons). The results have demonstrated the satisfactory heating capacity of tobacco stalks bio-briquettes, accompanied by the flue gasses emission within limits provided by the European Union and national legal documents. Therefore, tobacco stalk bio-briquettes could be a valuable alternative green energy source.
PAPER REVISED: 2025-01-15
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2025-01-21
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