International Scientific Journal
Thermal Science - Online First
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Thermal performance investigation of an aluminum fanless thermal storage indoor heat exchanger under multiple operation parameters: An experimental and numerical study
The direct-condensation indoor heat exchanger was an effective heating method for winter heating. However, the metal thermal strength and pressure-bearing capacity of the previous steel panel were weaker than that of aluminum materials. Consequently, a novel aluminum fanless thermal storage indoor heat exchanger (AHE) is proposed for the air-source heat pump (ASHP) heating system. The model is established to explore the heating performances of the novel direct-condensation indoor heat exchanger. Compared with experimental data, the deviation of the predicted heat dissipation changes from -2.4% and 3.6%, verifying the model's reliability. To investigate the thermal potentials of the AHE under multiple operation parameters, a total of 66 cases were conducted. Results show that the ascendant condensation temperature and refrigerant flow rate are beneficial for the improvement of the heat exchange performance. Meanwhile, the increased condensation temperature also contributes to decreasing flow losses. In simulations, the average temperature difference between the refrigerant and panel surface is 9.7ºC. The maximum temperature difference of adjacent layers of the AHE is 6.3ºC, occurring between the copper tube and the water layer. Based on the simulated values, a thermolysis correlation was proposed for the AHE to predict the heat dissipation under multiple operation parameters. This study provides a stable and reliable direction-condensation heating terminal for ASHP systems. The results of this study are beneficial for the promotion and application of the direction-condensation heating terminal.
PAPER REVISED: 2025-01-26
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2025-02-02
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