With the increase in mine depth, the original rock temperature rises under the influence of the geothermal gradient. High temperature surrounding rock heat dissipation leads to an increase in working face temperature, seriously affecting mining production safety. Using distributed fiber optic temperature measurement to study the thermal characteristics of the working face during production, maintenance, and shutdown. The results show that during production, the working face airflow temperature exhibits a "V"-shaped trend, decreasing first and then increasing, while during maintenance, it shows an "L"-shaped trend with an initial decrease followed by stabilization. The air cooler in the intake airway significantly reduces the airflow temperature during production, with a maximum cooling power of 1260 kW, a cooling range of 9.5°C, and an effective cooling length of 150 m for a single air cooler. During production, in the range of 105 m from the upper end of the working face, the temperature rise rate is faster at 0.04°C/m, while in the range of 105 m to 270 m, the average temperature rise rate is 0.02°C/m. The cooling load for the 2302N working face during production and maintenance is calculated as 239.79 kW and 159.86 kW, respectively, determining the need for three sets of cooling devices at distances of 65 m, 140 m, and 230 m from the upper end of the working face. This research provides theoretical support for optimizing temperature control strategies and heat hazard management processes on the working face.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-12-13
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-12-20
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