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Thermal Science - Online First

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Improving thermal performance and energy production of photo-voltaic thermal collector by bifurcating tree-like cooling channels

Photovoltaic thermal collectors with cooling channels suffers from poor temperature uniformity and high heat loss at high radiation intensities. However, traditional cooling channels are unable to address these specific heat dissipation requirements. In this research, the photovoltaic/thermal collector within the nature-inspired bifurcating tree-like cooling channels is designed and compared with the traditional parallel cooling channels. A theoretical model for heat exchange in the photovoltaic/thermal collector is developed. The system's performance with different structural parameters is investigated. The results indicate that the nature-inspired bifurcating tree-like II-type cooling channel exhibits superior overall performance for the photovoltaic/thermal collector. Besides, the average photovoltaic module surface temperature drops by 12.47K and the system's electric efficiency rises by 0.84% by growing the inlet speed. Furthermore, the lowest pressure drops is 13.62Pa in the cooling channel when the number of grades is 4 and the inlet mass flow rate is 0.00256kg/s. With the number of grades increasing, the average temperature of the photovoltaic module reduces. When the channel bifurcation angle is 1.0α-type and the inlet mass flow rate is 0.0124kg/s the system's electric efficiency is 13.66% and the PV/T collector's performance is optimal.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-12-12
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-12-20
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  13. Candanedo, L., et al., NUMERICAL MODELLING OF HEAT TRANSFER IN PHOTOVOLTAIC-THERMAL AIR BASED SYSTEMS, 3rd Canadian Solar Buildings Conference. 2008: Fredericton, NB, Canada. p. 180-188
  14. Shen, C., et al., A numerical investigation on optimization of PV/T systems with the field synergy theory, Applied Thermal Engineering, 185 (2021), p. 116381
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  21. Kong, X., et al., Numerical Study on the Optimization Design of Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Collector with Internal Corrugated Channels, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2022 (2022), p. 101101
  22. Xing, Y., et al., Formation of bionic surface textures composed by micro-channels using nanosecond laser on Si3N4-based ceramics, Ceramics International, 47 (2021), 9, pp. 12768-12779
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  25. Madhi, H., et al., Comparative numerical study on the effect of fin orientation on the photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system performance, International Journal of Thermofluids, 24 (2024), p. 100909
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  29. Yu, Y., et al., Testing and modelling an unglazed photovoltaic thermal collector for application in Sichuan Basin, Applied Energy, 242 (2019), pp. 931-941
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