International Scientific Journal
Thermal Science - Online First
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Review of exploration of aircraft de/anti-icing mechanism and airborne application of superhydrophobic materials
The aircraft surface icing changes the flight dynamics characteristics of the aircraft and seriously threatens flight safety. Therefore, aircraft de/anti-icing technologies are of great significance for safe flight. The basic principle, type, and influence of aircraft icing are analyzed and the existing de/anti-icing technology methods and their advantages and disadvantages are compared. Literature review of superhydrophobic materials was comprehensively conducted, and its specific conditions (superhydrophobic property failure) were analyzed, especially the existing problems and challenges. A hybrid de/anti-icing system was proposed for the defects of a single de/anti-icing system, and several hybrid de/anti-icing systems were introduced and compared with the single de/anti-icing system. In addition, aiming at the possible problems in the application of superhydrophobic materials, an aircraft de/anti-icing system combining loop heat pipe and superhydrophobic materials is presented. Benefiting from the efficient heat transfer mode of the loop heat pipe system and the superhydrophobic effect of the superhydrophobic material, this method can not only reduce the energy consumption of the aircraft's de/anti-icing system, but also reduce the formation of secondary icing. Finally, the issues of superhydrophobic coating and hybrid de/anti-icing systems are analyzed and prospected.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-01-02
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-01-14
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