International Scientific Journal
Thermal Science - Online First
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The development and optimization of bus driving cycle for public transportation and mobility systems
The driving cycles developed for public transportation busses is crucial in terms of energy efficiency and emissions as well as enhancing fuel economy. Considering to the public bus transportation driving cycles, both international standardized like SORT, and regional driving cycles are created by researchers and authorities to evaluate the energy efficiency and also to compare the different vehicles with each other. To obtain results that are closest to real driving conditions in driving cycle tests, the driving cycles must reflect all the characteristics of the region where they were created. Otherwise, fuel consumption values obtained using driving cycles that do not include regional characteristics do not reflect real life and can lead to misleading results. This study focuses on creating driving cycles that are closest to real life for public transportation buses in Istanbul. As a different approach from the driving cycles currently used an developed, three classifications were made, and multiple driving cycles were created. Three driving cycles were obtained for specific times of the day. Four driving cycles were obtained to reflect traffic density across seasons. To create seasonal cycles, data from 15 bus lines collected over a month was correlated with the data from 500T bus lines covering a year using a new method. Additionally, to obtain results closest to real life, road profiles were designed considering gradient information. Significant differences were observed in the fuel consumption values calculated using the obtained driving cycles.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-12-28
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2025-01-02
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