International Scientific Journal

Thermal Science - Online First

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Analysis of vortex shedding characteristics and heat transfer performance of staggered tube bundle system

Tube bundle systems' heat transfer is unclear due to complex flow channels and turbulent fluctuations, affecting energy efficiency. This study simulates 2D staggered 18-row tube bundles at Reynolds numbers 3,100-50,000. 3D cylinders are simplified to 2D tubes, with grid independence and model validation. Flow, temperature fields, and synergy angles are analyzed for positions, Reynolds numbers, and spacings. High vortex shedding frequency in front tubes with multiple subfrequencies at different amplitudes. Asymmetric solutions emerge due to turbulent fluctuations. At high Reynolds, vortex shedding patterns complexify and frequencies rise. Nusselt number and synergy angle trends similar at low Reynolds, but diverge at high Reynolds. Small tube spacings significantly impact heat transfer; large spacings have weaker effects.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-08-14
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-08-17
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