International Scientific Journal
The phenomenon of nanomaterial carrying fluid-flow over a non-linear elongated sheet with changing thickness is investigated in this study. The present research focuses at the flow of magnetic nanofluid over non-linear elongated sheets of dif-ferent thicknesses, with an emphasis on copper nanoparticles distributed in water. The phenomena, which is significant in many industrial applications including paper manufacturing and atomic reactors, is analysed using Prandtl boundary-layer theory and Navier-Stoke's equation. The study covers a wide range of physical features. There have been fewer works on the mathematical modelling of stretching sheets with varying widths. The main aim of investigation is to analyse the effect of EMHD, as well as other characteristics like Eckert number, Boit number, radiation effect, and absorption factor. Paper manufacturing, dye and filament extrusion, atomic reactors, and metallurgical processes all rely heavily on these sheets of varied widths. The problem employs Navier-Stokes' equation and Prandtl boundary-layer theory. The similarity transformation converts PDE into ODE. The MATLAB bvp4c programme is used to obtain numerical solutions. The present study helps to achieve desired quality of stretching sheet.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-05-20
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-06-16
2025, VOLUME
Issue 1, PAGES [93 - 104]
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