International Scientific Journal


With a view to investigate the magneto-structural properties and influence of an­nealing on magnetoresistance of strontium-doped lanthanum manganite, samples of La1-xSrxMnO3 were prepared and their magneto-transport properties have been investigated in this article. Magnetoresistance is enhanced from 6% to about 94% at room temperature due to annealing. Resistivity and Seebeck coefficient were investi­gated over the temperature range 83 ≤ T ≤ 313 K. The quasi-static magnetization was investigated in the temperature range of 5-400 K under effect of a magnetic field of 100 Oe in both moods of field cooling presence besides the zero field cooling. The measurements of magnetization showed Curie transition from ferromagnetic be­havior to paramagnetic one. The Curie transition values increased with increasing the strontium content suggesting that the transfer integral between two Mn sites would be enhanced due to the substitution of smaller La ions (117.2 pm) by great­er Sr ions (132 pm). Various parameters were calculated from the application of variable range hopping and single polaron hopping models. Both models were utilized to investigate the effect of Sr on the conduction behavior. The behavior of thermopower with temperature was demonstrated on the basis scatterings of phonon-and magnon-.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-10-27
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-11-19
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THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2025, VOLUME 29, ISSUE Issue 1, PAGES [383 - 394]
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