This study aims to compare and evaluate various energy retrofitting strategies and methods employed in the building sector, with a focus on analyzing their effectiveness and feasibility in enhancing energy efficiency. Current renovations in the EU are mostly response to policies in force, however, there is an increasing demand for renovation projects to align with the goals set for 2050. Subsidies or barriers may differ across a whole spectrum, depending on various factors, but leaving the building with the same expected outcomes. It is also important to apply measures in design phases which end in feasible and flexible execution. The paper elaborates an assessment background for the selection of studies. It identifies four main key objectives: improving energy efficiency, phasing-out of fossil fuels, increase the share of renewable energy, and applying circularity. These objectives were gathered from various studies and reports, in response to which quantifiable and non-quantifiable values of three energy renovations were compared. The results highlight not only energy, financial, and carbon-saving aspects but also address current retrofitting trends and climate change. Performing a comparison along these points helps to understand what drives a renovation and what can be achieved with certain inputs in the beginning. This review explores the extent to which renovation case studies vary in terms of their goal, approach, and the way results are published. It aims to help deciding whether an intervention is adequate or not, through a set of criteria presented.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-07-02
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-07-08
2025, VOLUME
Issue 1, PAGES [455 - 475]
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