International Scientific Journal
This paper examines the performance analysis of quantum Otto machines (QOM) driven by a single qubit system embedded within a spin star environment. We investigate various thermodynamic correlations during the operation of these machines, including work performed, heat absorbed, and heat emissions. For the sake of simplicity, our exploration centers around two scenarios: one where the central qubit interacts with a single spin and another where it interacts with four qubits. Our findings reveal that QOM employing this system exhibit unique thermodynamic properties. Notably, we observe that the QOM can achieve enhanced levels of work performed as the number of spins in the environment increases. Furthermore, both the work performed and the efficiency of the QOM are influenced by the variation in detuning and coupling strength parameters across the four stages of its operation. Additionally, we demonstrate that careful selection of these parameters enables the optimization of QOM performance. In certain instances, the performance of the Otto cycle can be stabilized to emulate the behaviour of a heat engine by manipulating the coupling values while simultaneously controlling the frequency of the central qubit.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-09-20
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-10-27
2024, VOLUME
Issue 6, PAGES [4867 - 4876]
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