International Scientific Journal


In the process of bottom blowing bath smelting, continuous bubbles are formed and rise in the melt after the bottom blowing gas is ejected. In order to reveal the motion behavior and wake characteristics of continuous bubbles formed during the injection process, the rising process of coaxial double bubbles is studied through numerical simulation, the velocity and deformation characteristics of coaxial double bubbles in the rising process are obtained. Based on the vortex identification reconstruction of the flow field, the characteristics of formation, evolution, and configuration of bubble wake are obtained. The results show that in terms of motion characteristics, the aspect ratio of the upper bubble is always less than 1, and lower bubble has a large span of change: the minimum is 0.85 and the maximum is 1.2. As the two bubbles approach, the aspect ratio of the upper bubble is always less than 1, while the maximum aspect ratio of the lower bubble can reach 1.2. In terms of wake characteristics, the vorticity on the upper bubble surface is larger. When the wake rotation centers of the upper and lower bubbles merge with each other, the instantaneous acceleration of the lower bubble reaches the maximum.
PAPER REVISED: 2024-01-08
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2024-01-11
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2024, VOLUME 28, ISSUE Issue 5, PAGES [3751 - 3763]
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