International Scientific Journal



This article is concerned with the review of periodic heat transfer through extend­ed surfaces known as fins. In this review, we bring out the detailed study of heat transfer of different type variation through extended surfaces. Heat transfer has remained a warm responder to various conditions for the researchers in last many decades. In the current analysis, an attempt is appointed to study, analyze and sum­marize the result of the periodic heat transfer and flow in various fins. Further, we are carried out the analysis for the periodic heat transfers through various kinds of extended surfaces also called fins in the presence of periodic base and ambient temperature. The performance of the extended surface is expressed in terms of the fin effectiveness and its efficiency. The heat transfer process is regulated by three experimentally determined dimensionless parameters such as the frequency parameter, w, the convectional fins parameter, N, and the amplitude parameter, A. Further the fins performance and efficiency are demonstrated through several examples. On basis of comparision rectangular fins are good for heat transfer due to their extended surfaces. This article has been retracted. Link to the retraction 10.2298/TSCI230905190E
PAPER REVISED: 2022-07-10
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2022-08-01
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