International Scientific Journal
A combustion model for a flat layered composition has been developed, where chemically active layers alternate with inert metallic layers with high thermal conductivity. The heat exchange between the layers was specified by the conjugate boundary conditions. A numerical study of gasless combustion of a multi-layer system with heat-conjugated layers of two types was performed. Optimal layer sizes and parameters of the layer system were obtained to provide the maximum burning rate of the layer package. The effect of increasing the burning rate was found to be associated with heat recovery and an increase in the effective thermal conductivity of the system. The concentration limits of combustion were determined depending on the volume content of the inert element. Replacing the system of inert layers with that of low-calorie mixture layers leads to a model for synthesis of inorganic materials in the "chemical furnace" mode.
PAPER REVISED: 2018-11-07
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2018-11-26
2019, VOLUME
Supplement 2, PAGES [S569 - S573]
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