The introduction of the Energy Management System into the industrial sector of the Republic of Serbia, as one of the sectors within the System, formally started on March 15, 2013, when the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Efficient Use of Energy. This indigenous and legally established system of organized management of energy flows, from the processes of production through the processes of transmission, distribution, and ways of consumption of energy, for the purpose of optimization and rationalization of this processes, includes a wide range of regulatory, organizational, incentive, technical, and other measures and activities that within the scope of their powers are determined and implemented by the subjects of this system: the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Mining and Energy, designated organizations, energy managers, and authorized energy advisors. For the purpose informing the industrial sector, as one of legal obligors of the Energy Management System, the achieved results, next steps and future plans for the development of this System are present in this paper.
PAPER REVISED: 2018-06-10
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2018-06-12
2018, VOLUME
Supplement 5, PAGES [S1563 - S1573]
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