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Liquid-to-air membrane energy exchanger is a novel membrane base energy exchanger, which allows both heat and moisture transfer between air and a salt solution. It uses semi-permeable membrane to eliminate entrainment of liquid desiccant as aerosols in air stream and allow simultaneous heat and moisture transfer between salt solution flow and airflow. The heat and mass transfer performance of a single liquid-to-air membrane energy exchanger is significantly dependent on two dimensionless parameters. They are the number of heat transfer units (NTU) and the ratio of heat capacity rates between solution flow and air flow (Cr*). The liquid-to-air membrane energy exchangers can also be applied in a run-around membrane energy exchanger system, which is mainly comprised of two liquid-to-air membrane energy exchangers and a closed loop of aqueous desiccant solution and used as a passive energy recovery system to recover the energy (both heat and moisture) from the exhaust air to precondition the supply air in air conditioning systems. In this study the dehumidification capacity of a run-around membrane energy exchanger is investigated numerically at different exhaust air temperatures and Cr* values. Increasing the exhaust air temperature or the Cr* would enhance the dehumidification capacity of the a run-around membrane energy exchanger system under Cr*≤1, but the improvement is limited. The dehumidification capacity at low Cr* is much lower than that under the optimal Cr* value (Cr*=3.2) where the maximum latent effectiveness is obtained.
PAPER REVISED: 2014-10-02
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2014-11-03
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
THERMAL SCIENCE YEAR 2016, VOLUME 20, ISSUE Issue 6, PAGES [1927 - 1938]
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