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Dear readers of the journal Thermal Science This year we have for the first time a Supplement issue. There are many reasons for introducing Supplement issues besides the four regular issues in the Volume each year. This will be editorial policy in the next years. This year we have great increase of the number of submitted papers, and at the same time very interesting proposals of distinguished researchers to dedicate whole issue to the some modern and interesting scientific topics. The only solution is to have, one or more, Supplement issues in the year. Supplement issue to the Vol. 14, 2010, has several important characteristics. Supplement issue 2010, is devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. In the issue are presented the most important scientific and engineering results achieved in last several years by the Department of energy and process engineering of the Faculty. Some of the papers selected for this issue present also the results achieved in joint research of researchers of this Department and researches from other Universities in Serbia. To distinguish 50th anniversary of some research and education institution is the best opportunity to fulfil one of the main tasks of the journal Thermal Science, proposed even at the very beginning of the foundation of this journal, namely, to promote the best scientific results achieved in Serbia, and later also in the South-East European countries. If for education of the qualified researcher is necessary 10-15 years, for scientific institution to become mature, and to give recognized scientific results it is necessary to pass two or three in house made generations of the researchers. For this process about 50 years is necessary, and this is the reason why we accepted proposal of the Dean Professor Dr. Miroslav Babić, to devote one issue of the journal Thermal Science to the part of the scientific results achieved by the researcher affiliated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac. Guest editor, Professor Dr. Milun Babić, had an extremely difficult job to make proper selection of papers, representing research results of his Department and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, not only in fundamental and applied research, but also in practical applications. I am greatly thankful to him since he presented not only most interesting scientific results, but also cases of best practise realized on the basis of the research results. At the same time, in his introductory review paper he explain research policy in the field of thermal sciences, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources having the main aim to solve more important energy and environmental problems of the local community, as well as to introduce energy management, environmental management, and sustainable development. This is one of the main characteristics of the set of papers selected by Guest editor for this Supplement issue. Realization of the full chain – fundamental research, applied research development and demonstration (R&D&D) is not too often, especially in developing countries. I hope, that paper selection that made for this issue by Guest editor Professor Dr. Milun Babić, in many cases evidently presents that it is possible, even with small funds available in Serbia.
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2025 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licence