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Modern progress in electronics is associated with increase in computing ability and processing speed, as well as decrease in size. Future applications of electronic devices in aviation, aero space and high performance consumer products’ industry demand on very stringent specifications concerning miniaturization, component density, power density and reliability. Excess heat produces stresses on internal components inside the electronic device, thus creating reliability problems. Thus, a problem of heat generation and its efficient removal arises and it has led to the development of advanced thermal control systems. Present research analyses a thermodynamic feasibility of micro capillary heat pumped net works in thermal management of electronic systems, considers basic technological constrains and de sign availability, and identifies perspective directions for the further studies. Computer Fluid Dynamics studies have been per formed on the laminar convective heat transfer and pressure drop of working fluid in silicon micro channels. Surface roughness is simulated via regular constructal, and stochastic models. Three-dimensional numerical solution shows significant effects of surface roughness in terms of the rough element geometry such as height, size, spacing and the channel height on the velocity and pressure fields.
PAPER REVISED: 0000-00-00
PAPER ACCEPTED: 0000-00-00
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