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Round parabolic solar mirror is of ten called the solar or sun dish. Even when the dish is faceted into several smaller dishes (facets) which are all focusing the sunlight in the single point (focus), it is called a solar dish. When solar radiation to electricity converter is mounted into the dish focus and the sun-tracking system is provided, it could be named solar dish/converter system. Depending on the sort of the converter, two promising systems which are approaching the commercialization could be mentioned. These are solar dish/Sterling system and solar dish/photo voltaic system. In this paper, majority of the technical and economical aspects of the two systems are examined and compared. Two systems are chosen to represent this: SAIC/STM Sun Dish TM, solar dish with Sterling heat engine/generator, and Solar Systems SS20TM representing solar dish with concentrating photovoltaic converter. It is concluded that solar dish with concentrated photovoltaic converter can have much better cost/performance ratio. It is also concluded that recently introduced thermo acoustical converter and photovoltaic cavity converter, probably des ignites future development of the solar dish systems. World’s potential of in stalling solar dish systems according to geographic and climate conditions wisest mated. Also, the number of solar dishes which could, in stalled in Croatia cover yearly state’s electricity consumption was calculated.
PAPER REVISED: 2005-07-25
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2005-08-31
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2025 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia. Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licence