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The paper presents a review of the energy potential of different types of biomass residues in agriculture and forestry, and actual state of biomass energy utilization in Serbia. The estimated values of annual energy potential are: about 1.7·10 6 toe (ton of oil equivalent) in biomass residues in agriculture, comprising crop farming, fruit growing, viniculture and stock breeding, and about 1 million toe of biomass from forestry, including different biomass residues and fuel wood. The total annual biomass energy potential of about 2.7·10 6 toe represents 40% of the total coal energy production in Serbia. Towns located in agricultural regions and in regions rich in forest can satisfy their energy demand for centralized heading systems with biomass residues from the territory of their own municipality. With appropriate energy policy, information campaign, research activities and general regulation in the field of biomass energy utilization, the share of biomass energy consumption in total energy balance can be significantly increased.
PAPER REVISED: 2004-10-25
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2004-11-01
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
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