International Scientific Journal


The development of novel numerical methods for applications in computational fluid dynamics has made rapid progress in recent years. These new techniques include the lattice gas and lattice Boltzmann methods. Compared to the traditional CFD methods the lattice Boltzmann methods are based on a more rigorous physical modelling, the Boltzmann equation. This allows to circumvent many deficiencies inherent in existing Navier-Stokes based approaches. Thus, the lattice Boltzmann methods have attracted a lot of attention in the fluid dynamics community and emerged as an attractive alternative in many application areas. In the present paper, we discuss some perspectives of the lattice Boltzmann methods, in particular for industrial applications and present some successful examples from projects related to aerodynamics, chemical and process engineering.
PAPER REVISED: 2002-02-26
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2002-03-18
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