International Scientific Journal


Wall-to-bed heat transfer in hydraulic transport of spherical glass particles 1.20, 1.94, and 2.98 mm in diameter and in single-phase flow regime was studied. Experiments were performed by transporting spherical glass particles with water in a 25.4 mm I. D. copper tube equipped with a steam jacket. In the runs with particles not present tube Reynolds number varied between 2280 and 21300, while in hydraulic transport runs tube Reynolds number varied between 3300 and 20150. The loading ratio (Gp/Gf,) was between 0.07 and 0.328, and the fluid superficial velocity was between 0.29:U, and 2.86·U, where U, represents single particle terminal velocity. The data for the heat transfer factor (jH) in single phase flow are correlated using general form jH=f(Re). The data for wall-to-bed heat transfer in the hydraulic transport of particles shows that analogy between heat and momentum transfer exists. The data were correlated by treating the flowing fluid-particle mixture as a pseudofluid, by introducing a modified mixture-wall friction coefficient (fw) and a modified mixture Reynolds number (Rem).
PAPER REVISED: 2001-04-20
PAPER ACCEPTED: 2001-02-09
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
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