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A three-dimensional thermal-hydraulic model and a numerical procedure for the simulation and analysis of steady-state as well as transient operation of horizontal steam generators are presented. The two-fluid modelling approach is applied for the two-phase flow on the shell side of the steam generator. The model is solved by the SIMPLE numerical procedure, which has been adjusted for the multiphase flow conditions. The operation of the horizontal steam generator in the WWER 440 nuclear power plant has been simulated at the full load, steady-state condition. Presented results are compared with the data measured at the NPP Novovoronezh. The agreement is good. Obtained results can be used in plant design or retrofitting, in nuclear power plant safety analyses and as improvement of existing one- dimensional thermal-hydraulics models of the horizontal steam generator which are assessed by system codes used for the nuclear power plant safety analyses.
PAPER REVISED: 1999-01-15
PAPER ACCEPTED: 1999-02-26
CITATION EXPORT: view in browser or download as text file
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