TY - JOUR TI - The possibility of modeling agricultural biomass ash by neural networks concerning proximate analysis inputs AU - Matin Ana AU - Špelić Karlo AU - Jurišić Vanja AU - Matin Božidar AU - Grubor Mateja AU - Tomić Ivana AU - Majdak Tugomir AU - Brandić Ivan JN - Thermal Science PY - 2024 VL - 28 IS - 6 SP - 4771 EP - 4780 PT - Article AB - Agricultural biomass is an important RES with significant environmental and eco¬nomic benefits. However, high ash content in biomass can lead to problems such as slagging, fouling, and corrosion and can reduce the efficiency of energy systems. This study analyzes the proximate composition of different biomass samples, focusing on ash content, and uses machine learning to model ash content based on other components. Six biomass types, including rapeseed, barley, wheat, corn, soybean and sunflower, were examined to analyze the content of coke, fixed carbon, volatile matter, and ash. The results showed considerable variability, with ash content ranging from 8.25% for rapeseed to 12.3% for soybean. Artificial neural networks were used to model ash content with a high accuracy of R² = 0.92. The model effectively estimated the ash content based on the input parameters and demonstrated the potential of machine learning to optimize biomass selection for energy production.